I woke up thinking about my life events leading up to my birthday/book Soiree. I thought of how I was a doormat for others because I was never cultivated to appreciate myself. Instead, I was taught through experience to look pretty, be quiet and get in and fit in. Unfortunately, getting in and fitting it entailed drug dealers, athletes and older men. But after doing what I learned through others, I hated who I became so much so that I prayed repeatedly that God allowed me to slumber… forever. Lord, forgive me.
Thankfully God stepped in; literally while I was sleeping. In a Holy Instant, the Spirit evoked a response from my soul. What I know for sure, if you’re not moving steadily in the direction of what you say you want, you can be certain that you are sabotaging yourself somewhere. But what I learned while working out my own salvation is that you’re more than enough to work out your own salvation too! If it weren’t true, God wouldn’t have commanded it.
What I know, no one can mold and shape you into who you’re meant to be. However
"You’re the boss of your mind, body and spirit, so be the boss in everything you do."
So if you want more, you must believe more is possible, own your power, speak up for you and stand strong in everything you do.
While the process of becoming went be pretry, you may cry, open up long forgotten spiritual wounds and make you dark for a season, bossing yourself up IS necessary. And as you push past your feelings to overcome doubt, ego, vices, isms and lies (DEVIL), you begin to free yourself to become a better version of yourself. Believe me when I say that there is nothing more freeing than being loosed from the shackles of doubt and pain of regret.
If you need help getting over obstacles to allow the real you to come through, I invite you to theBoss Up Challenge.
Toni Moore is a Legal & Lifestyle Strategist who empowers women to overcome obstacles to make more dreams possible. If you want the Be The Boss Tour to come to you, contact Toni @mstonimoore!